5 Cryptocurrency Podcasts I Like to Listen to When on the Road

Mark Alvarado

Mark Alvarado

Cryptocurrency is on everybody’s lips right now. You can’t afford to get caught out like I’m sure most people will be. That’s why I use my useless time sitting in traffic and in airports to listen to cryptocurrency podcasts.

These are my favorites that everyone should be listening to if they want the latest information on this exciting, growing field.

  1. Bitcoin Roundtable

Bitcoin Roundtable is an excellent podcast to listen to if you want something more than generalized information. They regularly have guests from the industry and they go into how cryptocurrency is being used in specific fields.

One of their episodes goes into how the Stay Token currency is used to change the travel industry, for example. Another episode discusses DAOstack and how its solutions are used alongside decentralized companies looking to increase growth.

  1. Decentralised Podcast

The Dencentralised Podcast is the new kid on the block. It goes into how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can be used for the purposes of changing the world we live in.

Some of the big figures they have interviewed recently include: Toni Lane Casserly, Jimmy Song, and Richard Titus.

  1. ICO Alert

The ICO Alert podcast delivers something new with every episode. They have a variety of different series focusing on various aspects of the cryptocurrency industry.

Lately, they discussed how security tokens are being used in business. They also had an interview with Zach Le of Trinity Blockchain Management where they discussed how cryptocurrency is impacting macroeconomics and institutional investors entering the market for the first time.

  1. Crypto Pulse

Crypto Pulse is a podcast that goes more into the solutions side of cryptocurrency. Every episode discusses how different solutions can be used to address certain problems.

For example, a recent solution discussed Fr8. The Fr8 solution is from a company that helps to solve the challenges of the freight industry.

Even if you’re not in this specific industry, it’s good to be able to see the principles of blockchain technology and how they could be applied to other industries in the process.

These podcasts provide you with a better understanding of blockchain and may offer some additional inspiration for you.

  1. The Bitcoin Podcast

The Bitcoin Podcast also talks about how blockchain and cryptocurrency can be used in real-world scenarios. So many people think that cryptocurrency and blockchain are purely online mechanisms, but that’s not true.

One episode discusses how the logistics industry is using the Ethereum platform, as well as other solutions, to improve the industry.

Another talks about how hotels can use the same cryptocurrency token to open rooms, provide rewards, and remove the front desk completely.

The Bitcoin Podcast further discusses how a cryptocurrency called Deedcoin reduces real estate commissions by thousands of dollars.

It’s all good information!

Last Word – Taking Advantage of Blockchain

These podcasts will help you to fully understand blockchain and how it powers cryptocurrency. What’s even more beneficial is you’ll learn about practical, real-world applications for this technology.

Have you listened to any of these podcasts yet?

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