4 Things That Only New Yorkers Would Tell You About The City

Mark Alvarado

Mark Alvarado

Just like any other city in the world, if there is anyone who knows the city well, it is someone who is native to it. This is true for New York. New Yorkers are proud people and they certainly love their city, with this in mind, if you could ask someone from New York what they would tell you about the city, you are sure to find out something pretty interesting!

So, with my expert knowledge in all things New York, having lived here for a considerable amount of time, I have put together the 4 things that only New Yorkers would tell you if you asked them about this glorious city.

To really see New York you need to leave Manhattan

Mark Alvarado

When you think of New York, then chances are that you only think about Manhattan. Of course, there are plenty of amazing things to see and do in Manhattan, which means that you are likely to be able to spend plenty of time there, however, to really explore New York to its full potential, then you need to branch out that travel net and head to places such as Queens and Brooklyn!

Taxis are not worth the money

Mark Alvarado

We all know that magic movie moment when someone hails down an NYC taxi and heads off into the city. Sure, there are plenty of taxis out there that you can hail down. But you might be better off saving your money and walking instead. Not only does this mean that you are going to see more, but you may even find that it is faster to travel on foot then it would be in a taxi stuck in traffic. Not only this, but there is also the Subway, which is a great way to get around.

Never ever eat at Times Square

Mark Alvarado

Now, those who live in NYC will tell you to avoid Times Square like the plague, however, if you have come to take in all the tourist attractions, then this is somewhere that you are definitely going to want to see. A great idea to try and keep it less hectic, is to visit Times Square during the evening hours when it is generally quieter, and if you can help it, try and eat somewhere away from this hotspot, the restaurants here charge a lot for something you can get cheaper elsewhere in the city!

There are so many great places to eat

Mark Alvarado

Carrying on from the above food-themed point, if you want to really taste everything that New York has to offer, then you need to stay away from the chain restaurants and instead aim for the independent eateries. Not only are they great places to eat, but they are also likely to be a hell of a lot cheaper than some of those big names that you can eat at anywhere.

These are just some of the snippets that you can learn about New York. If you are planning a trip here, then I highly suggest you take these on board, all in order to get the very best from this amazing city!


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